#23-124/2,Tyagaraya Nagar, Kothapet,Hyderabad.

  • +91 9381356697
  • info@telanganavaluers.com
Hello! & Welcome to

Telangana Valuers Association

TVA is governed by an elected council of members consisting of different committees of valuers practicing in their respective fields. Functioning of Telangana Valuers Association consists of the following :

TVA accords membership for Engineers and Architects
TVA with reckoning imparts skillful education and dispenses a platform to various valuation professional aspirants as well as supports the Indian cohort.
TVA grants certification to Students, Licentiates, Associates, and Fellowship in 2 categories of assets class.
TVA provides with Valuers Registration.

“ TVA imparts, encourages and arranges for training of the valuation and survey work of all types. It also hosts its semi-annual Valuation Conferences and seminars to discuss advances in methodology and public valuation policy.”


To foster ideals of profession, promote friendship,among the members establish rules for professional and ethical conduct and to develop social awareness and responsibility in the members.


Providing the services as nation Valuers, We are endowed with creating a new era which is sustainable with moral ethical vallues


To encourage and foster the ideals of the profession.
To hold conferences/meetings/seminars for dissemination of knowledge among the valuesrs in particulars and society in general.
To promote friendship, establish rules for professional and ethical conduct and to develop social awareness and responsibility among the members.
To arrange lectures by distinguished Valuers Professionals from India.
To identity areas in which the Valuers can contribute to the betterment of the country.
To act as spokesman for the Consultants to deal with the Government, Banks/FI and other agencies regarding policy matters.


TVA conducts regular activities in our center.. Dissemination of knowledge to its members generally happens through well organised & pre-scheduled programs under different titles such as;
Technical Evening talks.
Workshops, Conferences, Conventions, Seminars and Symposia.
Family get together to foster better fellowship among the families of members.
Placement Orientation Program; emphasising the Industry- Academia Interaction.
Library facility to its members and student members.